April 28, 2011

So we move along slowly....

As I mentioned yesterday, the props and strut arrived yesterday but it took a couple of visits to get them moving to install them.  The strut is in now in place but we won't get to sea trial today due to storms on their way into the region and the hull repaint which wasn't started until yesterday. "Materials only arrived yesterday" they said.  Everything I asked to be applied is in stock at the Jacksonville West Marine!  I am now planning on a Saturday morning start.

Jo's flight was cancelled from Ottawa to Washington and she is now on a flight to Chicago and Jacksonville arriving late tonight.  Like I said, Saturday start...

On the bright side, I went all over the new canvas and they did a super job.  Far better than original.  Bravo Botswain's Locker in Jacksnville.  On time, above expectations on quality.

Here is the repaired prop:

And here is the waiting lounge:

It could be worse....

P.S. I did finish the Clancy book.


  1. Glad to hear the canvas looks good, Saturday sounds like a good time to get started (I've heard Friday is a bad day to start a voyage), enjoy a rexaling day tomorrow on the island and best of luck with the sea trial (I've heard pouring some wine on the deck brings good luck)....

  2. Best of luck for tomorrow Dad! If Jon is right about the wine, get the cheap stuff ;-) save the good stuff for when you and Jo have your first dinner on the boat :-) hopefully Jo doesn't get in too late tonight. Talk to you soon xoxo


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