January 17, 2014


...the boat is finished and will be launched today.  We can leave Jon and Janice in peace  and Spooky can get back to her familiar environment.  I ran over to the marina this morning to check things out before it goes in the water then I will leave the mechanics to check everything out in the water and clean things up.  

The running gear has been painted with anti-fouling.  And the boat is sitting under the travel lift all ready to launch.

There's another Sea Ray 420AC just like ours having a bottom job being done.  That is behind the car Jon has been letting us use.  Not too shabby.

Front view of Jon's Merc.  Dream Weaver is in the background.

After lunch Jon and I will go sea trial her and move back to the marina after parting with just under $7K!

This weekend Jon and I are going to disassemble the washer/dryer and remove it from the boat once and for all.  Jo will get some extra cupboard space in return for abandoning the dream of getting it working!

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