June 5, 2014

Getting Warmer

As we approach the summer solstice on June 21st the days are getting noticeably warmer. We are only a couple of degrees away from the Tropic of Cancer so the sun is almost overhead at noon. We seem to be averaging high 80s with occasional low 90s.. 

We can go visit Gary at The Reef Bar and enjoy a cold one while we sit in the cooler Atlantic breeze. But Spooky can't so we devised a way to cool her down.

And while we were at it we gave her a refresher safety briefing.

Our visitor permits were coming to an end and needed extending so we went over to Marsh Harbour to see Immigration.  We asked for a 9 month extension but got until November 6th which is the most they can legally give us.  We did a bit of shopping and had lunch at Snappa's while we were there.  This 82 foot catamaran was slipped at Harbourview Marina.

It was custom built in Canada by A.F Theriault in Nova Scotia for $7 million.  This newspaper article tells us a bit about it.  Carbon fibre hulls for lightness.

The third cottage is being erected across the marina.  Yours for $750,000.

And our new friends Scott and Catherine have departed for Bermuda leaving their boat here and me with the keys!  So long and see you later in the year.

Off to do some snorkeling.  I will try to update in a week unless something exciting happens.

1 comment:

  1. Poor poor Spooky :( maybe you could mount ice packs under her life jacket ;) ... and your friends have great names ;) xo


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