October 10, 2014

One of those weeks...

...when it seems something is always going wrong. In no particular order:

1. We found a leak in the boat.  Tracked it down to the galley/forward head sump.  Dried everything out, cleaned the sump (always a yucky job). Figured all would be well.

2. We use those shower soap dispensers and Jo decided to change shower gel to a different colour so I had to hose down the old to take the new.  I have a hose on the swim platform.  All was well until two of the chrome push buttons fell into the water and sank to the bottom.  New shower dispenser.

3. The leak persists.  Figure it must be rain (it's fresh water not sea water) so I go out and caulk everything I can see on the outside.  Seems ok.

4. Get stopped by the police for having a licence tag out of date.  It's a rental car so we are innocent.  The rental company updated the tag.

5. The ice maker quit.  I took it apart and isolated the problem to one of two components.  Problem was the chassis was rusted as well.  So I ordered a new one somewhat reluctantly.  It came in Wednesday and fit perfectly and works much better than the other one ever did.

6. The leak persists.  I had a brain-wave.  The fresh water system has an accumulator that leaked a year ago.  I fixed it.  What if that area was leaking?  The water would find it's way down to where we were seeing water.  This is the way it was.  The previous owner had mated flexible hose directly to semi-rigid pipe without a fixture on both sides of the accumulator.  It's in the picture at middle bottom.  That's where the leak was coming from!

I changed out the accumulator for a new one and used fixtures for the pipework.  See below.

I wanted to change the whole arrangement but didn't have teh fittings in my spares box.  A job for later.  Leak fixed!

Now we're off to Bradenton to get Jo's hair fixed, mine cut and meet up with friends at Twin Dolphin.  Spooky is not happy but she seems to know we'll be back.

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