December 14, 2014

Chilly the last few days

We turned the heat on the last few days as daytime highs struggled to 70 and the nights barely stayed above 40.

Spooky has taken to having an afternoon siesta on the dock.

We have decorated the boat a little with red bows around the rails with solar powered leds running around them.  A wreath on the hard top with lights completes the decor this season.

Not a great picture but gives an idea of the night effect.

No caption comes to mind for this shot from Kelley's the other day.

For a change of scenery we went over to the Ocean Grill for lunch.  Last time we tried they were closed for reno's.  It's right on the Atlantic beach and has a great view from the bar.  And they have my beer!  Bonus.

Back to Kelley's for Saturday lunch.  No we don't live there!

We lost sight of Spooky the other day.  She had quickly and quietly gone boat touring.  She found a nice vantage point on the sailboat next to us, inside their enclosure!

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