July 3, 2015

We'll Die Waiting if I don't jump in...

Spooky speaking here 'cos if we wait for the Captain we will wait for ever.  I put together a few pictures of the agony the cap and admiral put me through getting from sunny Florida to frigid Canada.  After they tied up the boat to their dock multiple times...

...and said goodbyes to their friends...

...I got dumped into a carrying crate and they headed off.  Now I don't like going in cars.  I don't like the motion.  I don't like the confined quarters and most of all it nearly always results in a visit to the vet which never goes well.

All I could say was that this vet must be one hell of a long way away because we just kept on driving and driving and driving!  They had let me out of the case so I had the chance to check the GPS to see where we were.  We were going north all right.  And that could only mean cold.  What would possess them to do that?

After what seemed an age we stopped at this less than ideal hotel.  Not my standard I can tell you!  I didn't even want to walk on that carpet.

But at least we had stopped and there was something of a view.  I didn't know what we were doing here but after a night's sleep the worst became obvious.

We hit the road again!  I must say that I don't duck any more when we go under bridges since we have been under hundreds and nothing has happened to me yet.

This was getting a bit tiresome.  Hour after hour of being cooped up in this vehicle with nothing to do.  Anyway I found this new place to snooze which was pretty comfy.

Well, we stopped again.  Same drill - I had to check every last corner to make sure it was safe for us all.  This place was a bit more to my liking.

But dammit if they didn't get up in the morning and start driving again.  When was this going to end?  No vet yet but, to be honest, I think I would prefer a trip to the vet after this lark.  Captain had to take yet another visit to his litter box and I saw that the army was heading north as well.  We must be going to Toronto and it's snowing.  Turn this damned thing around!

Third stop, check out the room and try to figure out what in God's name is happening  Some place called Watertown it said on the GPS.

Well, the next day didn't go the way I expected.  Some folks I remembered from the hell I endured coming through New York on the boat turned up and we went with them even further North if you can believe that!  They called themselves Joe and Brandy and they have some 'splainin to do!  Then I got dumped in this empty apartment while the bipeds went off somewhere.  I called after them that there were no curtains but they ignored me.

Apparently they went to Elizabeth's place to pick up some parcels which included a blow up bed  for them to sleep on.  Weren't they lucky?

 The next day they were off to pick up a new car.  I still don't know why they left the other one in Watertown.  This one looks just the same to me.

Any way, the Cap went and got a TV for me to watch and Catherine bought a carpet for me to lie on so I guess we are here for a bit!

Oh, and I now have a half decent leather love seat to sleep on as well so things could be worse.  Anyway, looks like the Cap's coming so maybe he will get his arse in gear and take over.

Thanks for that Spook!

We had to make an early trip to Ottawa to start getting Jo's breathing checked out and ran into an old friend from home.  Nice to see you Steph!

Spook didn't mention visits from Catherine and to Bill and Beth in that first week.  But she was right about the weather.  Chilly!

 We have been lucky to have visited and eaten at Bill and Beth's a few times over the last weeks.  Thanks guys!

Thank you Spooky for restarting this tome and I will update again shortly with our other news.

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