June 20, 2016

Still here!!

It has been one thing after another.  The fall sidelined me for a couple of weeks.  The dinghy would not hold air.  I know where the problem was but repairing it was almost impossible.  I ended up writing it off and trashing it.  I sold the motor on Craigslist.  

With Joe due to arrive we found out the generator was not putting out power.  Not only that but, when we opened up the engine room to check it out, diesel was spraying everywhere.  I fixed the diesel leak by having a fitting made up but the electrical problem persisted.  It took me a week to find someone to come and look at it.  He arrives late today or tomorrow morning.  Joe has cancelled his flight tomorrow until we have a better outlook.  We could travel without the genny and travel marina to marina but going further north did not look any better for generator repair folks.  The offending part that leaked is in the blue circle and it did not look that bad when we left last year:

Just for the sake of a picture, this MonteCarlo Yachts 65 footer spent last night across the dock from us.

So we now wait for the electrical end of the genny to tested to see whether I have to drive to Miami and pick up a rebuilt "new" one.

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