June 4, 2011

That's it then!

Well, this is bitter-sweet.  It is certainly great to be home and to be picking up Spooky tomorrow but this journey has been the most enjoyable experience we have had.  We have met some wonderful people, stayed in some great places and seen such diversity, kindness and friendliness.  Sure, there have been some trying times like having the boat sitting up on a sand bar with Jon walking around it and watching sea spray coming over the top of the boat and navigating a channel, that we had never seen before, in thick fog  (and still haven't seen come to think of it) but we wouldn't trade it for the world and part of us wanted to keep on going.  I don't have the book with me to quote the author but a sailor wrote about his round the world trip and when he came to cross his wake he kept on going.  I think I can understand the drive that made him do it.

The other thing that we really enjoyed were the comments on this blog from friends and family.  Thanks for sharing it with us.

So, Phase 2 is complete.  We have bought the boat and now legally imported it to Canada.  Now we restore and repair it to what we need it to be to cruise full time.  Huck's Marine here in Rockport will be the perfect base to do that.  You can see our boat on their webcam.  

Martin will complete the journey for us by picking us up in my car tomorrow.  My car that I forgot needed a new plate sticker last month!


  1. Welcome home and congratulations!! Thank you for taking us all with you for such an amazing experience :-) xoxo

  2. Welcome home! I'm sure it is bitter-sweet, many wonderful memories but many more in the years to come, looking forward to seeing you guys soon. xoxoxox

  3. Now you have to get your land legs back for a while. I must be difficult. In the movie Captain Ron when the Harvey's return to dock after all their trying adventures with Pirates of the Caribbean, etc they just say the heck with it all, turn around, and head back out to sea! Are you tempted?

  4. Congratulations! Glad I could share some of the adventure with you! Looking forward to meeting up with you down in the states in a few years!


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