September 30, 2013

Waiting it out in Brewerton

The repairs to the locks means there are a lot of boats queued up waiting for Oct 4 to 6 for the short opening.  We can't find any marina space beyond our current berth in Brewerton.  We were able to work out a way to stay here for a bit.  So we are waiting here until Friday morning and working towards Locks 12 to 13 then.  We expect to move through those locks Saturday or Sunday.

For now, we are relaxing (sometimes)....

...and working....

I added our boat name to the bottom of the dinghy since the dinghy hides the name on the boat and helped Joe build his dinghy...

Of course, when we had finished, Joe read the instructions!

The marina is really very nice.  Rustic and relaxed:

If anything significant happens over the next day or so I will post an update.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures, looks like you found a good spot. Good luck with the next set of locks and keep the updates/pictures coming!



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