May 13, 2014

It's been ten days...

...since my last post and family has started complaining (=Jon).  So here goes with some of the activities going on around this part of the world.

After all the Ocean Reef boats left it has been a bit quiet on the main transient pier.  I have been waiting for a cloudy day to buff the forward deck.  It's looking faded and dull having sat in the sun and salt air.

Our days have been mostly spent reading, dunking in the pool to cool off and taking lunch at a local bar/restaurant.  It's a hard life.  We have also binged on Breaking Bad in the evening.  As of today we are at Season 5 Episode 7 so the end is, unfortunately, in sight.  We started watching it three weeks ago.

It has been windy and warm.  The wind has now been easterly for well over a week but a break is in store for the next few days.  This view of the sky from yesterday shows the wispy high level clouds which indicate some rain or storms approaching.

Those with an eye for detail might notice that the PDQ 44 foot catamaran "Blue" has gone.  It was there when we arrived and no one has been on it until three days ago.  They left yesterday to cruise back to the US but not before I got a guided tour of the boat from owner Christian.  Very impressive space and finish.

We have been giving Spooky a bit more freedom as the marina has thinned out.  She found that our boarding step offered a great shady spot to hang out.

We got some clouds so I was able to get the buffer and Buff Magic out to start shining the deck.  Add some polish and the shine was back!

This trawler would make us a great live-aboard AND be easy to maintain.

In the background you might recognize the 105 foot Hargrave  "Exit Strategy", which came in a couple of days ago with their fun crew.

Another yacht came in.  This time the new 110 foot Horizon "Andrea VI".  Launched last July.

Any idea who is aboard?

Both yachts look cool at night.

So that's the news for now.  Hoping for some rain!


1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!!! Congrats on Breaking Bad! =) ... The boat looks all shiny up in there :) ... but you should get some "equipment maintainer guys, and water boys!" ;)


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