October 20, 2014

A rind and a bight.

After all the failures of the last post I can report one more in the leak category.  Strangely it showed itself in the exact same spot as the last but was due to an overflowing air conditioning condensate pan.  I must have moved the drain hose when I was fixing the other leak causing it not to flow correctly.  No more issues yet but boats are boats so something will go wrong!

We had a fun weekend at Jon's.  Jon and Janice were there just for Friday and Saturday morning before they set out for Canada and Sian's 60th birthday celebrations.  Not before Jon and I sampled Motorworks' IPAs.  I took the following picture of the bar inlay.  It was made from many CNC machined parts and the bar had three of them along its length.  Impressive work.

Jo and I met with Jamie and Jenn (now of Twin Dolphin, previously here at Loggerhead) and Matt and Karie (sp?) for a great dinner at Blue Mangrove on Saturday before heading home to Vero on Sunday.

Our Hope Town friends Paul and Eileen live in Jensen Beach.  They boated up to stay at our marina for a few days. This was us for lunch in Sebastian at Capt'n Butcher's.

Spooky finds the cutest pose when sleeping:

Linda sent us this picture of our old slip at Hope Town Inn and Marina.  The blue face was Rick's image of Winston that he thought we would need when things got quiet there.  It's still in place and Sasha looks well.

We decided to get a change of scenery yesterday so we headed down to Ft Pierce for lunch at a new spot.  As we left the water was very calm.  These apartments are just opposite our slip.

We stopped at Ft Pierce inlet to sit and watch the boat traffic before heading to Archie's Seabreeze.

Archie's is an old bar, popular with bikers, and is very relaxed.

The decor is very basic but the staff are fun and the beer and food is good.

 On the way home we splashed out a couple of bucks to visit the Manatee Center in Ft Pierce.  We saw no manatees but we did get to pet this Corn Snake.  And Jo didn't know how much she liked snakes!

The nights are cooler and clearer now.   Life is good.

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