April 18, 2015

Change is in the Air

It's getting on for a month since we last posted.  Sorry!  A few things have happened since then.

Most importantly for us we decided that it would be close to impossible to get five months in Ontario (to keep our OHIP alive) if we went by boat.  The winter was pretty brutal and it is unlikely the canals will open on time.  If they are as late as they were in 2012 then we wouldn't land in Ontario until the first week of June.  That would mean we couldn't leave until the first week of November.  Not the best time to be hanging around the St Lawrence river.  We have decided to leave the boat here for the summer, drive back and rent an apartment for the period.  With help from Joe Madigan this has been arranged and we plan to start back on April 28th or 29th.

So, what have we been up to since the last posting aside from our regular docktails, rips to regular haunts and pool time?  We visited the Palm Beach boat show to see our friend Julie.  She was doing a stint as chef on board Miss Lisa.  Miss Lisa is a 92 foot expedition yacht.  we got a guided tour of this beautifully appointed boat.  $7 million would see it at your dock.

It was a large show, mostly of motor yachts for sale.

Easter saw us at Jenny's for supper

The Sens made it to the play-offs so, until they are knocked out, the flag will fly!

Vero Beach has a new wine/coffee bar called Grind and Grape.  We tried them out and liked it.  Barbara decided this fellow's date couldn't dance so she she cut in and showed how it was done.

Somehow we always seem to get good looking and excellent wait staff.  Jess was no exception.

It was a great evening spent with 3 other couples from our marina.

We were planning to cruise back with Dan and Jacque.  They are doing the great loop.  We will catch up with them in the Thousand Islands in June.

Bon Voyage!

I had an invitation to go flying from Vero Beach.  I never pass up those!

We did a couple of circuits over the marina.  Dream Weaver is just behind the white circle: 

Shirley and Doug have just moved into a condo here at Grand Harbor.  We had them aboard for supper. 

My bucket list included a trip to the Kennedy DSpace Center.  Richard and I went last week.  This is the real Atlantis hanging from the ceiling

A launch was scheduled for 4:33pm that day so we all dutifully waited.  It was scrubbed 3 minutes before lift off due to weather but it did launch the next day at 4:10pm and we saw it from the marina.

Landing the shuttle simulator was child's play!

A taster of Vero is an event put on the the restaurateurs on Ocean Boulevard.  Tickets were sold out weeks ago but Richard "came by" four and we joined him and Carol.  Great food and good times.

No, I don't remember who this guy represents.

I will do an update before we leave at the end of the month.

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome update! :) So glad you were able to check another one off the bucket list!! Great photos and can't wait to have you guys home for the summer!! :) xo


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