May 27, 2016

The last journey

So Jo recovered (touch wood) and we decided to cruise the boat back to Canada.  But first we drove to Vero Beach.  Elizabeth drove us to Watertown where we rented a small SUV. 500 miles Monday, 700 Tuesday and 250 on Wednesday saw us at the boat by 1pm. Spook is almost back to her old self, exploring new hotel rooms with great urgency.

We are now back in or Vero Beach marina preparing to leave our southern friends and repatriate Dream Weaver to Rockport.  We found the boat a real mess after lying dormant for 13 months.  We have a week's worth of cleaning and repairs. But John and Chris, our local boat detailers, did a fantastic job of the outside.  She is gleaming in the sun.

We took a day to regroup after the long drive and spent an afternoon with Jenny at The Riverside and Kelly's re-acquainting with the staff and friends.

So, for now it is repair and clean for the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you take time to chill during the cleaning and repairs :) See you soon! xo


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