August 3, 2014

Life at Loggerhead

We have just watched a very good 4-part series from History channel called "The men who made America" that Jon recommended.  I endorse his recommendation.  Excellent.

The last few days have been kind of quiet while we watched how Jo's leg would behave.  It has swollen a bit more and we will make an appointment to have it looked at again tomorrow.

In the meantime we had a sumptuous supper with Jamie and Jennifer on their Hatteras in the marina last night and lunch with Eden and Ferman today at Waldo's.  Then we gave Spooky an airing on the dock.  Here's a few pictures:

I guess most of these marina pictures look much the same if you're not here.  Sorry!

We have a number of Canadian boats here.

Their owners are expected back in the fall.

Most days end with a thunderstorm.  Today the sky was pretty threatening but so far no rain. Just lots of lightning and thunder.

We'll see what the doctor says about Jo's leg tomorrow.

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