August 22, 2014

Palm Beach

We decided to take a road trip yesterday.  Jo wanted to visit an Aquarium so we checked the web and decided on the one at the South Florida Science Center in West Palm Beach. It was a bit underwhelming but fun nevertheless.  Don't go to Monterey Bay Aquarium before you to West Palm Beach!

A hurricane wind simulator ruined my hair-do.

We spent an hour or two driving along South Ocean Boulevard where some of the most amazing houses are situated. Click here, click Bird's Eye and zoom in to see the kind of modest homes we drove past!

We dropped into Cobb's Landing for a late lunch and a brew.  While there a video crew set up outside and then in the bar entrance.  I asked the apparent subject of the screening who he was and he revealed he is Rob Siedlecki, running for Florida's State government and was taking a few videos while he had the chance.  Here he is doing a walking shot talking to the bar's owner.

Seemed like a nice enough guy for a Republican but, then, they do don't they?

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