March 24, 2011

Fresh Bottom

I have just contracted a couple of guys to redo the hull before I leave.  It currently has many layers of old bottom paint, lots of scuffs, badly worn stripes and areas of electrolysis.  Underneath all of that is a very well barrier-coated hull.  The work being done is to sand-blast back to gel-coat, fix any blisters (four we know about), apply 4 new barrier-coats, apply at least 3 coats of anti-fouling paint, replace two thru-hull fittings, re-attach trim tabs with new fasteners, re-do the water-line stripes and wax and polish.  The overall effect will be to transform the looks of the boat.  I can't wait to see it! Here is a "before" picture:

I will try to remember to take an "after" picture!

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