June 5, 2016

Never Rains but....

Our old dock mates Anna and Frank came to visit!  Frank had a beautiful 55' Viking here and sold it easily last year.  He is renting a place in Cape Coral on the west coast of Florida while he figures out what boat will be next to live aboard.

We continue the work to clean up and now face an approaching weather system that should bring strong winds and much rain.  We are well protected here.

Last night I managed to misjudge my step aboard while carrying a tray full of empty dishes and cutlery.  Five hours in the local emergency room later saw me back on the boat with a broken rib and in a lot of pain.  Good drugs seem to be helping that but it will be a few days before I will be fit to sail.  I was the last of the three of us to fall overboard at dock!  The only one of us uninjured was Spooky.  Last week was not a lucky one for me.

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