May 25, 2011

As my 60th Birthday draws to a close...

...I want to thank Jo for trying to organise two events.  One for my local friends and one for my family.  They both would have been wonderful. I want to thank Fred and Joy at Key Harbor Marina here in New Jersey for a wonderful spot to wait out the weather and the redirected laptop.  To Big Al for the limo service (at Taxi rates) for taking us to lunch and picking us up and taking us to the Liquor Store for wine provisions for the next 2 weeks. To the restaurant here for a superb dinner and excellent service - we will be back.  I wish Jo's day had started off much better than it did but it will all work out well for those who deserve it.  Thanks for the birthday wishes and here's to all my friends and family!  Cheers!  Life begins at 60!!


  1. And from your "slightly" older brother-in-law, just remember, "Growing older is like a good wine, it gets better with aging!" And I have quite a head start on you, my friend!!!!! :):):):)

  2. I never realized that you and Allison have the same B-Day! Patti


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