May 30, 2011

Troy, NY

We headed out from Kingston at 0745 this morning to make the most of the tide.  We made 10mph or a little less most of the way at 1200 rpm.  An efficient cruise.  We passed through Albany before Troy:

 We landed in Troy 45 minutes ago at 2:45pm.  It is a very warm day here!  

Tomorrow we pass through Troy Lock on the Hudson and then, four miles later, we enter the Erie Canal at Waterford.  Finally!!!


  1. YEAH!!! You look so close now :) It's going to be another hot one tomorrow and Wednesday too. Good luck with the locks! Hopefully they aren't too busy. Have you been able to get a feel yet of how many boats are heading through and if there is a delay?
    Happy cruising :)xo

  2. We are counting down to Rockport! No idea who is or how many are leading the pack.


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