May 4, 2011

Work is done

Well, almost.  Bryant, the ABYC-qualified mechanic/plumber/electrician is just tidying up the new 12 volt DC charger installation.  We will make an early start tomorrow and make Georgetown by about 5pm with luck.  Jo has done an amazing job of getting the boat in shape.  Here is a view of the "Megadock" that we are on.  1600 feet long and we are about in the middle.

Fingers crossed the journey is less eventfull from here on.


  1. Good luck! Hope the weather cooperates - been raining here all week!

  2. Sounds like Sis is being "amazing!" :):):)

    It seems you have 636 nautical miles to New York. Did you install wings? :):):)

    Blessings guys!!! Stay safe!!!


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