November 30, 2013

Daytona Beach

We left St Augustine yesterday at 0745.  An uneventful trip to Daytona Beach but loads of vastly different waterfront homes along the route made it very enjoyable.  This boathouse had an interesting array of roof lines.

No bridges to be opened for us. This one opened for the sailboat in front of us.  We could have cleared under it when closed.

Arrived at Daytona early afternoon in a very strong North Easterly wind. Bridges dominate!

This is Eric following in LetsWet.  He was surrounded by Canadian boats on this leg.  One was from Ottawa, another from Peterborough.

Docking took a steady hand!  But clear instructions and great dock hands made it much easier.  Jo needed a glass of wine after a hard day first-mating!

The marina is one of the largest we have stayed in. 550 slips.  This an aerial view from their web site:

You don't quite get the impression of size from the ground.

We couldn't get a reservation for our next stop until tomorrow so we will stay another day here before moving to Cocoa Beach.

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