November 22, 2013

On to Brunswick

We got up at 6am to get under way by daybreak.  Delegal is not the easiest marina to get in to and leaving at low tide for a tricky outlet was a bit tense.  But it turned out be straightforward.  We will go back there and spend a couple of days.  The trip to Brunswick was a bit of a haul and it was hot as well!  Sorry to the folks in Ottawa but it was.

We missed out friends...the view behind was lonesome...

Then this boat passed us...

...bringing back memories.  I know it's not "Saving" but still.

I was on the bridge on my own this afternoon and heard a splash and a blowing noise.  I looked over the side to see a dolphin swimming in our wake.  Jo saw the same later and got this picture.

If you click the picture it opens larger.

The place we are in is a marina attached to some condos. Tomorrow we head to Fernandina Beach in Florida.  Our last state.  I haven't checked in to CBD since we landed in Virginia as they cover the states down to Georgia. The weather tomorrow is forecast as very fine.  After that the winds are expected to become very strong.  We may have to chill out there.

1 comment:

  1. Palm trees and dolphins, welcome to Florida.... we have some wine chilling for ya!

    Jon & Janice


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