November 25, 2013

Fernandina and St Augustine

We went out for supper last night at the Salty Pelican and happened in to a magic music moment.  We thought we had walked into a Halifax bar.  Amy Basse (Nixon) was playing fiddle as well as we had ever heard anyone play fiddle.  We enjoyed her and her accompanying son immensely.  We later chatted for a while with her.  We wish we could have stayed longer!

It was still blowing hard but we headed out this morning while we could for St Augustine.  Eric, who we met in Belhaven, has joined us for this leg.

There were a few boats working south today. An outside passage was out of the question with the wind.  Inside was not bad at all.  This unique craft passed us heading North:

Aside from crossing at Jacksonville, most of the journey was in wilderness but the last part into St Augustine was along canal through some interesting areas.  The contrast was amazing.  This was obviously a legacy dwelling:

Because the norm was more like these:

With the older places being rebuilt...

And we pulled into Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor...

This is a very well protected, well run marina.  They have Caterpillar mechanics on site so I will be getting a couple of maintenance items seen to on my engines.  And Jo didn't do laundry or groceries yesterday so now we have to stay two days here to catch up!!  They have a courtesy car which makes life easy!

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