March 24, 2014

A little Storm action

I posted this on Facebook earlier but I thought I would put it here as well.  The forecast has been for thunderstorms starting Monday afternoon through Tuesday.  But before we rose this morning a good thunderstorm came through.  When I got up it was still lightning.  After it passed through the sky changed to a beautiful sun rise.

It has been threatening to storm all day but, so far, nothing.  Jo and I took the dinghy around the harbour for a cruise.  We have a 105' Hargrave (white on right) and an 80' Pershing (grey on left) in here at the moment.

Dream Weaver looks kind of piddling by comparison but it's home to us...

Debby arrives tomorrow with the forecast for quite bad seas locally.  But she will have taken her Gravol!  We will meet her at the ferry dock here in Hope Town.  I will let you know what colour her cheeks are.


  1. No green pictures allowed!!!!!
    My bags are packed and I'm ready to go
    I'm leaving....on a jet plane....hum me a few bars....don't know when I'll be back again......LOL

    Ughhhhh - just booked my 3:30 A.M.!!!!!! taxi pick up. I figure I'll shower shortly, get dressed and ready to go and just snooze on the couch!!! perhaps not - a couple hours of sleep in bed might be best facing a long day.

    and thank god! Jo just sent me an email saying the seas will be calmer than expected

    see you guys soon ----- chill my glass! I have the map of Hopetown and know exactly where all 3 wine stores are


  2. Great pics Dad :) Can't wait to see Caribbean sunrises!! Have a great visit Debby and go easy on Dad ;) It's very stressful being retired! :)
    Catherine xo
    P.S. Mojitos ;)


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