March 22, 2014

Barefoot Man

We had been recommended to go to Nippers on Great Guana Cay by many people.  It turns out that Barefoot Man, a singer from Grand Cayman, was making his twice-yearly appearance there so we booked an excursion through Froggie's on one of their dive boats.

With a pick-up en route at Man O'War Cay we saw our acquaintances from Riviera Beach.  "Kim Jo IV" was going to buddy boat with us to West End Bahamas but had some repairs to make.  

Once at Great Guana Cay we quickly located a bar for lunch.  This is Grabber's - more about it later.

Then we set out for Nippers.  It's a short walk across the harbour and over the dunes.  The Cay is beautiful

Barefoot Man wasn't due to start until 1pm and it was already very busy when we arrived a little before 12:30.

People everywhere, all ages, shapes and sizes; the only common element was beach casual wear with the occasional hardly-anything wear.

Thankfully there was still room at the bar. So, armed with a couple of Rum Punches we wandered around.  The great man was going to perform here on this tiny "stage".

The views were spectacular.  The beach runs all along the Cay and swimming/snorkeling is apparently excellent 

We found a shady spot to wait and drink our RPs.

Here we had a great view over the twin pools.  Note the abundance of hardly-anything wear.

We found the pool rules to be pretty standard but you don't often see Rule 5!

By 1:30 the place was packed and folks were still arriving.

Then the man arrived and started playing. And he was good.

I would like to hear him in less cramped quarters some time.

He had a three piece backing group.

But it was too hectic and cramped for us.  So we got a couple of RP roadies and walked back to town.  We gravitated to Grabber's and tried a couple of their home grown cocktails called, wait for it...a Grabber!  And these too, were good.  Very good.  We had another thanks to the Scottish gentleman below.

Billy was a great guy.  The picture doesn't do him justice.  We bought him a vodka and soda.  We also made friends with Gabby the bar tender.  Who wouldn't?  So I had another Grabber and life was good!

Regrettably we had to leave so we bought a couple of Grabber roadies and, well, you get the idea.  Seems like everyone came equipped for the voyage with a roadie.

The crew relaxed en route for Hope Town

As did the passengers.

And so ended a great outing to Great Guana Cay.  After a quick dip in our pool we retired for the night.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great time! :) Love your hat Dad :) xoxo


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