March 16, 2014

Marsh Harbour

We are currently in Hope Town which is the main settlement on Elbow Cay.  Elbow Cay is an island east of Great Abaco.  Marsh Harbour is the largest town in the Abacos.

Our plan was to stay in Marsh Harbour.  However, everyone we talked to described the place unfavourably but spoke highly of Hope Town.  They are not far apart and a ferry  runs multiple times daily between them.  We had a very good rate at a Marsh Harbour marina and I wanted to see for myself what the town was like.  Yesterday Joe and I ran over in his boat to check it out.

The advantages of Marsh Harbour are the aforementioned monthly rate, access to services, provisions and the airport.  The disadvantages are that it is poorly maintained, it is very busy, it is old (not in a quaint way) and not as secure as Hope Town.  Another major consideration is that the marina in Hope Town is very well protected on all sides from hurricane effects.

The marina we were considering was ok but nothing close to the one we are currently in and, naturally, the price reflects that.  Here are some shots of a Marsh Harbour marina:

The Main Building

The Pool and Washrooms

Approaching the Restaurant and Bar 

The Restaurant

The Bar

Since access to Marsh Harbour is so easy and Hope Town is so nice, we will stay here for the summer.  Our visitors will have a much nicer experience even though they will have an additional ferry ride to get here!

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