December 18, 2013

A typical it?

Today, the Tech came to look at the freezer/fridge that stopped working en route.  When we pulled out the freezer/fridge to clean it and make it ready for inspection, we turned it on and found that the compressor fan was stalled.  That pretty much set out the repair necessary and the Tech confirmed it.  Question now is:  Can we find a replacement fan?

Later, I decided to order a new blind for the forward hatch.  When i removed the existing one I found it had been leaking.  So, having removed the old screen and ordered a new one, I had to removed the hatch and re-bed it on the deck.  Copious quantities of sealant later...all done.

Then we wandered over to Pier 22 for lunch under Megan's expert bar-tending.

After that we needed to relax in the hot tub.  So we did.

Then it was time for Spooky to get some air.

I forgot to mention that, yesterday, we removed the Erie Canal/Dismal Swamp/Okeechobee brown stain all over the hull.  I bought a garden sprayer designed for bleach to spray hydrochloric acid on the hull.  Removes anything and, in salt water, is benign.  We have a white hull again!

Enough for one day.

1 comment:

  1. Looks beautiful :) Jo and Spooky look quite relaxed there :) Enjoy! xo


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