July 17, 2014

Last days

So we set out for Spanish Cay tomorrow and I have a reservation there for a rich $2.75 a foot plus power and water!  It had better be good.

The last couple of days we have been checking out our systems, running engines and generator, updating charts, plotting routes and provisioning for heading back to the USA.

Jo's leg, hereafter called a haematoma we think, is under control but in need of inspection.

We also made last visits to our friends, Greg and Katie at Captain Jack's, and Gary at The Lodge.  And of course it rained during all of this in between being blisteringly hot and humid.

We met these two folks who just bought a piece of property on the north end of Elbow Cay, at The Lodge so we celebrated together.

Gary orchestrated and we had an iPad music trivia session as well.

Did I mention it rained?

Back to our marina for cocktails with Tristan.  While we were away this Horizon 60' cat came in.

I can't imagine being in bad seas with that bow profile.  I would rather be in this Offshore monohull I think.

Today we did some grocery shopping and I got my hair cut at Monica's.  Then we met at Captain Jack's for lunch.  Of course it rained so Katie had to close up the screens.

When we got back to our marina the barge was arriving and I realised I haven't shown you how supplies get to the out islands here. An ex US Army landing craft is the supply barge for pretty well everything except fuel.  It comes in every week day from Marsh Harbour with building supplies and groceries for everyone on Elbow Cay.

The system works and we know when the grocery store has fresh fruit and vegetables because it comes on the barge on Thursday and is on the shelves by Saturday.

So, tomorrow we head out.  It will be good to get back to "civilization" where we can can get radio and TV over the air or on-line, goods bought on line in a day or two and power that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.  But we will miss this oasis on the planet.

We made many friends who passed through here and many more who live here.  I have a feeling we will be back.

Here's the sky tonight:

..sailor's delight?

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