July 21, 2014

Back in the US of A

We left Hope Town Friday morning and are now in North Palm Beach at Old Port Cove Marina.

The run to Spanish Cay was uneventful.  Only 47 miles.  The marina was expensive for what it delivered but it was a pretty spot with entertaining guests.

The welcoming committee graded our docking at 9.8 which I thought was a bit generous.

The main attraction was the sharks.

We were told these are Lemon Sharks.  Here's a short movie:

The next day was a very long one.  

Spanish Cay to West End is 100 miles and 11 hours at our trawl speed of 9 mph.  We started out at 6am.  

It was also very boring as there's nothing to see but crystal clear waters with almost no sea life save for the occasional dolphin and a few cormorants.  But you still have to keep a watch and monitor instruments.

Jo kept watch from time to time while I stretched my legs.

The air conditional raw water system failed en route which made it rather warm below decks.  We arrived at West End late afternoon.

Even though the engines were still hot we positioned a fan and I went down to check the a/c raw water strainer.  It was clogged with sea grass.  However, when it was cleaned out we still had a raw water pressure problem.  I checked for a through hull blockage but all seemed ok. I checked the main engine and generator strainers to be safe. So we had no a/c for the night and next day.  We slept above decks to get what little breeze there was available.

We headed out for Riviera Beach around 7am.

It was a bit of a rolly trip with 2 to 3 foot swells coming from the South.  Spooky found a way to cope.

With the Lake Worth inlet in sight we looked forward to docking.

So we are currently docked and have had technicians look over the air conditioning this morning.  The raw water pump is not working properly so it will be replaced hopefully this afternoon and we should have a/c again.  The lines appear to be clear but will be flushed tomorrow.  Looks like we are here for a couple of days.  Aside from delaying Jo's visit to the doctor in Vero it is no big sacrifice.  It's nice here!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and video!! Umm... were you trying to even out your tan lines on the bow? Glad to hear you are safe and sound and hopefully getting Jo to the doctor soon! xo


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