August 27, 2014

Another Aquarium

We weren't impressed by the Palm Beach aquarium so we searched for another.  Jo found the Florida Oceanographic Center in Jenson Beach.

We're still not close to the Monterey Aquarium league but this one was very interesting and informative.

The centre-piece is a huge man-made lagoon containing game fish from Florida.  We arrived at feeding time and they were all collected around the feeding station.  Five of the six nurse sharks were sitting on the bottom waiting.

In the same lagoon were a couple of Loggerhead turtles.  This one was 300lbs or so.

These are horseshoe crabs.  My son, Jon, might remember these on a beach in Cape Cod many years ago.

These rays are part of the touchy feely part. They feel like velvet!

A good day.

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