August 19, 2014

The heat is on!

With apologies to Glenn Frey and those back home having a less than perfect summer, every day is the same at the moment.  We awake to 84 degrees F and the temperature quickly rises to 90+ degrees in the afternoon with thunderstorms rolling in around 4pm.  It was over 100 the other day.  So a noontime cold brew of Sweetwater 420 at Riverside Restaurant is very welcome.

You learn something new everyday.  Who knew (not I) that there were crabs that would drown if you put them in the water.  This is a Blue Land Crab

Yesterday we went on a tour of the Piper Aircraft factory.

For fun I bought a Canada-US friendship flag on Amazon and put it up this morning while I was washing the aft deck hard top and measuring for solar panels.

Off to get some herb plants so Jo can restart her on-board herb garden.

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