September 13, 2014

Another day closer to fall..

It's been a very warm summer.  Both in the Bahamas and here.  But we are starting to feel the changes occurring. In Ontario you can feel the change in the air and see it in the cloud formations as the weather pattern changes.  We are not used to the weather patterns here but we can detect a change.  It is too hot here in the summer to do very much but siesta in the a/c in the boat or bask in the warm pool waters.  I look forward to the winter when we can take the bikes out without an ambulance following along.  There was a fair breeze yesterday so we drove over to the Atlantic coast to enjoy the surf.

We decided to lunch at the Riverside where everyone was watching Florida's NCAA team. 

A few laps in the pool and we retired to the dock with the cat.  Life's like that.

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