September 29, 2014

Will it stop raining?

The pool has been close to overflowing for a while.  But the rain has kept the water temperature below hot tub levels.  Every day is much the same.  Pop-up thunderstorms, which are short lived, during the day and occasional heavy downpours in the late afternoon.

This one was particularly heavy and arrived with nice cloud formation:

Of course, in times like these, one has to time arrival at the local bar in between downpours. Radar apps on the smartphone are essential.

Then one can watch the rain in the comfort of other die-hard happy hour folks.

The forecast?  You guessed it...

  • Currently

    Partly sunny79°
    RealFeel® 93°

  • Today

    Sep 29

    Couple of thunderstormsHi 87°RealFeel 102°

  • Tonight

    Sep 29

    A couple of evening t-stormsLo 71°RealFeel 74°

  • Tomorrow

    Sep 30

    Heavy thunderstormsHi 85°RealFeel 97°

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