October 30, 2013

Portsmouth/Norfolk Maintenance

We are still in Portsmouth.  We decided to have our oil changes here and fix some things that were concerning. The generator hard starting appears to be due to fouled injectors.  They will be fixed for tomorrow.  The engine alternators were both bad(!) and will be combined into one good one and we will install a new one on the starboard engine. Plan is to leave Friday morning for Coinjock.  Some friends we met on our trip 3 years ago are in this marina so we will likely have dinner with them tomorrow.

This and the following picture were taken by Grace as we left Kilmarnock.

Thanks Grace!

October 28, 2013

Yesterday and today...

Sorry for not posting yesterday.  We had an easy ride to Chesapeake Boat Basin in Kilmarnock, Maryland.  Very smooth water.  This sail boat left about the same time...

En route, this home made catamaran was interesting...

Joe enjoyed a bit of carbon removal cruising:

The marina was deep inside a creek, well protected and beautiful. Jo relaxed immediately.

Early morning departure this morning.  This place is gorgeous:

As we approached Norfolk we started to see more and more US Navy ships.

Today's cruise was mostly ok but we have encountered a boat problem.  While Jo was using her hair dryer, after an en route shower, half our 110 volt systems failed.  Turns out my inverter system developed a fault and our battery charger failed at the same time.  I had to by-pass the inverter while we were under way.  Also the generator has become very hard to start   The marina we are in has mechanics for both our engines and generator so I think we will take a timeout to figure out what is happening.

The marina has a great view of some shipyards.

And we are amongst a collection sailboats about to embark on an Atlantic sailing flotilla. Plenty to see and do here.

We planned to be here one day but the work I need done might take longer.  More tomorrow....

October 26, 2013

Bumpy Ride to Solomon, Maryland

We knew the morning winds would increase together with the waves.  The transit into and across the Bay south to Solomon on the Patuxent River was ok.  We ambled under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and watched scores of sail boats coming out of Annapolis to play for the day.

Then around 1pm the winds picked up and NOAA's 2 to 3 feet waves steadily went to 4 feet.  Fortunately they were head on. But it made for a bumpy ride with salt spray covering our flybridge. Three hours later, after hugging the shore line to minimise the effect, we entered Solomon harbour and tied up in Spring Cove Marina.  Jo rushed off to do a delayed groceries run while I washed down the boat and pumped out our waste tank. There's still salt on our flybridge windshield!

The Solomon area is a mecca for Chesapeake boating.  This harbour houses eighteen marinas.

Spooky did not enjoy the trip but has found the sweet spot of least movement on the boat (see previous pic) on the top stair coming up from below.  She enjoyed getting out!

Tomorrow's forecast is not as bad as today but still a bit windy to start.  We are currently about 40% of the way down Chesapeake Bay.  Tomorrow we cover another 72 miles to put us close enough to shoot for Norfolk on Monday.  Our short term goal is to be in Belhaven North Carolina for the day before Halloween so I can go Trick-or-Treating.

October 24, 2013

Stuck in Rock Hall

Yesterday dawned with rain but the wind and waves were fine for travelling.  We didn't all get up in time to leave so we decided to stay for the day. Last night the wind picked up and, despite being in a protected marina, we had quite a bit of rocking by sunrise.

You can see the difference between the water inside and outside our marina here.  This is looking west across the Chesapeake Bay.  The weather is not forecast to improve until Saturday when it is supposed to be fine with 1 foot waves for a few days. Hopefully we will be on the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in Norfolk by Monday night.

October 22, 2013

Delaware to Chesapeake

The Delaware and Chesapeake Bays are connected by the Chesapeake Delaware Canal, known to all as the CD Canal.  We were up and out of Delaware City at 0800 at low tide.  Not the best time to leave but no choice for us.  We ran against the tide in the canal making only 7mph.  As we left the canal and the waters opened up into the Chesapeake we sped up.  By the time we approached our night stop in Rock Hall Maryland we were making over 10mph and the winds had picked up significantly.  Spooky has found her place to ride out the bumps.  

The stairs are near the middle of the boat and likely the place of least movement.

Here's Saving Grace coming into Rock Hall.

Once we land we have a number of things to do.  Tie up so we allow for tides (just a foot and a half here), plug into power, connect to water (optional but we do if we think we are staying more than one night) and pay the marina for their slip.  Then, if we have had any significant splash I wash down the boat to remove the salt. All this time Spooky is going crazy wanting to get off and look around:

Once we are done we try to get Spooky on the dock for a walk.

So we are plugged in, fed and cat-walked as I write this.  Our trip compatriots are similarly relaxed.

As the sun set it looked like the marina across the bay was at the centre of everything by the way the clouds radiated out...

We were treated to a glorious sunset.

Masts amid the sun...

We are not sure of the weather tomorrow so we may be here tomorrow night as well.

October 21, 2013

Delaware City

The voyage today was a breeze.  We sailed with the tide at 10 to11 mph at less than 1000rpm all the way.  We have been here before and it is just as good as it was last time.  No new pictures.  We passed a couple of ships  looking to claim the Ugliest Ship crown but I think Nissan's has the award.

We stopped just north of the Chesapeake Delaware Canal.  We have a 65 mile run tomorrow while the winds allow.

October 20, 2013

Fishing Heaven

Doing maintenance work today. Our shore water connection wasn't passing shore water.  After dismantling the aft wardrobe to get to the pressure regulator I found it gummed up at the entry screen.  Sea Ray in their infinite wisdom puts a maintenance item behind panels!  I cleaned the screen and all was well but I replaced the regulator anyway.  At some point I will redo the plumbing behind there to make sure I can access the regulator easily.

I also fixed our dripping shower fixture.  Took it apart and got drenched when I pulled the cartridge out as the dock water faucet off position was not completely off.  Anyway, cleaned it up, saw nothing wrong and put it back together.  Doesn't drip now.

This place is mainly for fishing boats.  Can you tell?

Shopping this afternoon.

October 19, 2013

Cape May

We are now in Cape May at Utsch's Marina.  We stayed here when we brought the boat from Florida the first time.  The ride from Atlantic City did not meet with Spooky's approval.  We had a beam sea which made us roll the whole way.  She was pretty green.  She recovers quickly however.  En route we somehow got a sparrow inside the boat!  I herded it out but it diverted Spooky's attention from her seasickness.  The last part of the trip down was very grey and it started to rain.  So we are here for two nights while the winds subside in Delaware Bay.  Pictures tomorrow - it's forecast to be sunny.

Cruise Day to Cape May

Sunrise this morning in Atlantic City.  We hope the Atlantic will be kind to Spooky and she has a fair day of it.  We will be casting off around 0930.  It's only a 45 mile run so at our usual 9mph it won't take long.  We like to arrive at our next marina before 4pm if possible as most close at 5pm.  The weather for the first half of tomorrow's run to Delaware City is not quite the way I would like so we may add a day in Cape May.

October 18, 2013

Staying put for today

The winds are not good for an outside trip to Cape May until tomorrow.  We have been checking the inside route and it is hazardous with shoals and tonight is a full moon with lowest low tides.  This is a great spot so I am going to try to get some maintenance done.

October 17, 2013

In Atlantic City

Nice cruise down offshore.  Approaching Atlantic City:

The Golden Nugget Marina is fabulous.  Wide docks and excellent facilities as well as access to the hotel and casino of course.

Tomorrow we head for Cape May.

Cruising offshore to Atlantic City

One of the folks in the marina reported that it  was good in the Atlantic so, rather than follow the tortuous path inland we are out here again.  Just a gentle roll.  Decided to take and upload a video while we cruised.

October 16, 2013

Green and Grey

We left New York, or, more accurately, Weehawken,  New Jersey,  at 0700.  Cloudy and grey all day but warm.  Seemed ok but as we got further out with the other departing vessels it got a bit rough.

This fellow tracked us all the way down the coast doing 12mph.  There were others coming in to New York.

And our little 42 footer feeling our way out as well.

The forecast was bang on as posted previously but until we got out of the New York shipping lanes it was brutal.  Poor Spooky was sea sick until the moment we got into Manasquan Inlet.  And two of our buddies on Saving Grace succombed to Ralphing as well.

Once on the inside it was benign and smooth.  I missed a turn and ended up in a shallow dead end.  Turned around, we were fine.  We are now at Waretown in a super Marina we stayed in before.  Tomorrow we will stop In Atlantic City so Joe can win his gas money back.  Then Cape May.

October 15, 2013

We're in NY/NJ

An easy run down from Croton with the tide saw us making 10.4 mph at 700 rpm thanks to the tide and current on the Hudson River. We landed at Lincoln Harbor Yacht Club early afternoon at low tide.  We're in the background:

We loved this place last time for the views.  Can't see New York any better than from New Jersey.  Here's daytime shots:

Here's the new World Trace Center under construction...

At night it just becomes becomes magical.  It's hard to describe a view like this...

Early departure tomorrow for Waretown, New Jersey.  75 Miles down the coast.  If it's calm we will stay in the Atlantic, if not it's inside at Manasquan Inlet.

October 14, 2013

Last day in Croton


The forecast for Wednesday hasn't changed for three days now:

 VSBY 1 TO 3 NM.

Fingers crossed.

October 13, 2013

Waiting in Croton...

The weather seems to have become a bit more predictable today.  Wednesday is the day to move around to New Jersey.  Joe has us booked into Lincoln Harbor across the river from Manhattan for Tuesday night and I have reservations in Waretown, NJ for Wednesday. 

Today, the local wine store agreed to deliver to the marina; you know, like the LCBO would! Tomorrow we head to the supermarket for provisions. Then down to the city on Tuesday, enjoy the city lights and head out early Wednesday morning for the IntraCoastal.

October 12, 2013

A day off waiting for better winds...

...off New Jersey so we can get around New York to the Intra-Coastal Waterway.  

So we took the train to New York City. Last time I was in Times Square was New Years 1980..

I have wanted to visit the 9/11 Memorial for a while.

Looks like Tuesday could be a good day for the move so we would relocate to New York/New Jersey on Monday.  Watching the forecasts...

But Half Moon Bay Marina in Croton is one of the best.  Oh, and Jon has reserved our slip in Bradenton.  Thanks, Jon!

October 10, 2013

Approaching New York City

We traveled 50 miles from Kingston to Croton on Hudson, close to where I used to live 33 years ago.  We are in a very nice marina for two days.  Looks like a good place to "do" New York from.  $9 for a rail ticket.

The cat is pretty stressed...

But she wakes up en route...

Everyone seems to like her.

Here's a tour boat that looks better than it might:

So we need to clean our raw water strainers after the canal.  I pulled a bunch of crud out of the A/C strainer this morning so the main engines and generator strainers must be similar.  Hence a two day stay to do maintenance.

October 9, 2013

Half way to New York.

We are settled in Kingston's Rondout Yacht Basin for the night.  Today was an easy run down from Albany with the tide and then a drudge against it.  We passed ships and barges and compatriots trying to save gas...

All while Jo relaxed with her jewelry creation hobby!

Now we are in Rondout Yacht Basin for the second time.  I managed to fall over a line and face plant into their dock hard but with no blood!  Bruises on nose wrist and leg and arm but no blood.  Scotch cures all ills!!

Sweet dreams!

October 8, 2013

Albany on the Hudson!!

We left Amsterdam at 0800 this morning as the workmen arrived to remove the floating docks.  It gave us an opportunity to thank the Amsterdam City Engineer for his hospitality yesterday in giving us keys for the marina while we waited out the weather. The storm passed with exceptional rain but not the tornado style winds that we were warned about:

Very relaxing trip down to Waterford among some very nice "homes" and fall colours.

We planned to stop and tie up for the night in Waterford but they were full.  We continued to Albany and tied up there.  A photo op just before we tied up in Albany:

And tied up....

Tomorrow?  Not sure yet but w e are now in tidal waters so we will head out at high tide to get some help down the Hudson River.  No more locks!