October 28, 2013

Yesterday and today...

Sorry for not posting yesterday.  We had an easy ride to Chesapeake Boat Basin in Kilmarnock, Maryland.  Very smooth water.  This sail boat left about the same time...

En route, this home made catamaran was interesting...

Joe enjoyed a bit of carbon removal cruising:

The marina was deep inside a creek, well protected and beautiful. Jo relaxed immediately.

Early morning departure this morning.  This place is gorgeous:

As we approached Norfolk we started to see more and more US Navy ships.

Today's cruise was mostly ok but we have encountered a boat problem.  While Jo was using her hair dryer, after an en route shower, half our 110 volt systems failed.  Turns out my inverter system developed a fault and our battery charger failed at the same time.  I had to by-pass the inverter while we were under way.  Also the generator has become very hard to start   The marina we are in has mechanics for both our engines and generator so I think we will take a timeout to figure out what is happening.

The marina has a great view of some shipyards.

And we are amongst a collection sailboats about to embark on an Atlantic sailing flotilla. Plenty to see and do here.

We planned to be here one day but the work I need done might take longer.  More tomorrow....

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