October 9, 2013

Half way to New York.

We are settled in Kingston's Rondout Yacht Basin for the night.  Today was an easy run down from Albany with the tide and then a drudge against it.  We passed ships and barges and compatriots trying to save gas...

All while Jo relaxed with her jewelry creation hobby!

Now we are in Rondout Yacht Basin for the second time.  I managed to fall over a line and face plant into their dock hard but with no blood!  Bruises on nose wrist and leg and arm but no blood.  Scotch cures all ills!!

Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Jo, Jo, Jo.....don't make ME anything - you know I make my own

    KT - are ya sure you didn't have the scotch BEFORE you docked???? KIDDING - glad you're OK

    i guess you're not cooking turkey this weekend as you're in the U.S. of A now, that their pilgrims didn't land there until late November

    take care - glad it's been an uneventful journey up til now



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