October 22, 2013

Delaware to Chesapeake

The Delaware and Chesapeake Bays are connected by the Chesapeake Delaware Canal, known to all as the CD Canal.  We were up and out of Delaware City at 0800 at low tide.  Not the best time to leave but no choice for us.  We ran against the tide in the canal making only 7mph.  As we left the canal and the waters opened up into the Chesapeake we sped up.  By the time we approached our night stop in Rock Hall Maryland we were making over 10mph and the winds had picked up significantly.  Spooky has found her place to ride out the bumps.  

The stairs are near the middle of the boat and likely the place of least movement.

Here's Saving Grace coming into Rock Hall.

Once we land we have a number of things to do.  Tie up so we allow for tides (just a foot and a half here), plug into power, connect to water (optional but we do if we think we are staying more than one night) and pay the marina for their slip.  Then, if we have had any significant splash I wash down the boat to remove the salt. All this time Spooky is going crazy wanting to get off and look around:

Once we are done we try to get Spooky on the dock for a walk.

So we are plugged in, fed and cat-walked as I write this.  Our trip compatriots are similarly relaxed.

As the sun set it looked like the marina across the bay was at the centre of everything by the way the clouds radiated out...

We were treated to a glorious sunset.

Masts amid the sun...

We are not sure of the weather tomorrow so we may be here tomorrow night as well.

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