October 15, 2013

We're in NY/NJ

An easy run down from Croton with the tide saw us making 10.4 mph at 700 rpm thanks to the tide and current on the Hudson River. We landed at Lincoln Harbor Yacht Club early afternoon at low tide.  We're in the background:

We loved this place last time for the views.  Can't see New York any better than from New Jersey.  Here's daytime shots:

Here's the new World Trace Center under construction...

At night it just becomes becomes magical.  It's hard to describe a view like this...

Early departure tomorrow for Waretown, New Jersey.  75 Miles down the coast.  If it's calm we will stay in the Atlantic, if not it's inside at Manasquan Inlet.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely gorgeous! :) Glad you are enjoying the trip so far! We are loving your picture posts!! xo


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