October 20, 2013

Fishing Heaven

Doing maintenance work today. Our shore water connection wasn't passing shore water.  After dismantling the aft wardrobe to get to the pressure regulator I found it gummed up at the entry screen.  Sea Ray in their infinite wisdom puts a maintenance item behind panels!  I cleaned the screen and all was well but I replaced the regulator anyway.  At some point I will redo the plumbing behind there to make sure I can access the regulator easily.

I also fixed our dripping shower fixture.  Took it apart and got drenched when I pulled the cartridge out as the dock water faucet off position was not completely off.  Anyway, cleaned it up, saw nothing wrong and put it back together.  Doesn't drip now.

This place is mainly for fishing boats.  Can you tell?

Shopping this afternoon.

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