December 6, 2013

Cape Haze

Usual stuff...left blah blah at 0750 blah blah.  It was a normal cruise until we realized we had two dolphins along for the ride.  They were riding in the first wake wave on our starboard side.  I heard splashes first and then blows from their breathing.

They were swimming sideways as if they were looking at us.  Very playful and totally captivating.

They followed along with us for almost half an hour until we had to slow down for a Manatee Zone.

Today was the second really warm day of our trip.  I have to say, I thought of our family and friends up in Ottawa frequently.

The marina I chose for today was special. This place holds a lot of memories.

This particular marina was where Dream Weaver (under its previous name) was kept when Jo and I first went to take a look at it.  I moved the boat from here to winter storage until Jon and I could bring her home.  I had forgotten how nice it was!

There's more...

See the pool?  Joe, Brandy and Grace would have loved this!

Naturally I was in the pool within 45 minutes of docking.

Spooky got to walk the dock in her harness and then was contented with watching the world go by.

Tomorrow is the big day...the last day for a while.  Bradenton.

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