December 7, 2013

We made it...

We are in Bradenton.  It feels good.  I did not enjoy the trip today. Too much skinny water!!  We will hope the tide works for us on the return leg.  We encountered three bridges we needed to open, only one of which we had to wait for.  The others opened as we arrived.  This one was high enough closed for us to pass under.

This is the Sarasota skyline as we passed by.

And this is our initial destination for two and a half months.  Bradenton's Twin Dolphin Marina.

Here, we regroup, fix and amend systems and enjoy family for Christmas and New Year.  It is good to have stopped for a while.  Our battery charger failed en route.  I think its location in the engine bay is bad - another Sea Ray gem of design thought.  I will move it to the other side of the bulkhead it is mounted on to a forward compartment to make it easier to replace and give it a cooler location to function.

Lunch tomorrow with Jon and Janice at the marina and dinner at Mast Drive!


  1. Congratulations guys. I'm happy to hear you are now settled for a period of time.

    It is going to -34C here tonight - without windchill! Hopefully it will warm up to around -16C for the funeral on Monday! :):):):)

    We will be in touch sometime later next week when we get back to Sandy Lake!

  2. Finally!!!! welcome home - at least for a few months anyway!! I'm sure it's also time to re-charge your own batteries as well! It's been a lonnnnnnnng journey. Now you have time for some well deserved down time.

    Chat later

  3. So exciting! Wish we were there to welcome you tonight!

  4. Glad to have you here and looking forward to the coming weeks!


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