December 31, 2013

Happy New Year to all

For obvious reasons this has been a momentous year for Jo and I.  We retired, sold our house and cars and moved onto Dream Weaver and set out for the Bahamas.

You are here because you are aware of our adventure and how it is going so far.  For those who read my tomes as one disaster after another it really isn't a bad experience it's just that the disasters are newsworthy!

Here in Bradenton we are thoroughly enjoying the company of Jon and Janice and their extended families over the holidays.  

A little street bowling the other day sharpened our skills for this popular sport.

We have our freezer back in operation and any doubt we had as to whether it was a fridge/freezer or a freezer have been dispelled.  It's a freezer and a good one.  I have the inverter back and will be re-installing it in such a way that I can easily bypass it in the event it should fail again.  A host of other little fixes have been and are being done as we enjoy the warm weather here.

Next week we have an appointment to haul the boat at Snead Island to find out what is causing the vibration.  The Dream Weaver team will relocate to Jon and Janice's place for a couple of days.


  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR guys!
    2013 was certainly exciting - cheers to 2014!!!

  2. Happy New Year Keith and Jo
    Fran & Dave


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