December 4, 2013

Lake Okeechobee and Moorehaven

We seem to be getting up better as we approach our first goal.  We were able to be underway by 0740 this morning.  The canal was calm but we saw fires in the distance.

Birds were abundant.  Fishing must be great here.  I think I saw an alligator but now I am not sure.

Crossing Lake Okeechobee itself was no issue.  There was no wind and no waves.  The autopilot held us so much on course our track line was concealed by our route line.  However, concentration was key!!

Jon and I spent a few days on the west side of lake Okeechobee at Clewiston when a relay on my port engine failed.  It was an epic adventure (= days at Tiki Bar).  So we bypassed Clewiston completely.

Instead we headed to Moorehaven.  A nice town dock with power and water at a buck a foot was ideal.

Spooky got to stretch her legs as well.  Fort Myers tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. you're getting closer...........whoooooo hoooooo
    3 more sleeps.......... ???????


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