December 2, 2013

Vero Beach

Travelling from Cocoa Beach to Vero Beach was boring.  Fog was forecast and it didn't materialise.  Rain was forecast and it didn't materialise.  We saw loads of dolphins, Jo saw her first manatee.  It was overcast and clammy all day.

Then we got to Vero Beach and the houses started to appear.  Big ones, cool ones.  Those are all I photographed today and they follow shortly.  We are in the City marina and thankfully I reserved ahead because they are full and turning folks away.

Check out the statute in front of the main window...

We just found out that it rained here, a lot, today and a bunch of folks didn't leave.  That's why it's so busy!

Jon and I stopped here on our infamous trip to bring the boat home.

"Intrepid" is obscuring our view at the moment!

Vero Beach is our last stop on the Atlantic Intra Coastal Waterway.  Tomorrow we start our crossing of Florida via the Okeechobee Waterway.  I know!  You can't wait can you?


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