December 5, 2013

We're on the Gulf Coast!

It was a beautiful morning when we set off for Fort Myers.  It stayed that way pretty much the whole day but got much warmer.

This boat seems to have been at anchor a very long time:

The local bird population liked it and and a few buzzards watched us pass.

Any home that had a boat at the river also had a lift to keep it out of harms way of wakes from discourteous passing boaters.  This 40 foot sailing catamaran (the mast is stowed on the side) was a bit unusual for being rather large on a lift.

We approached Fort Myers on a very narrow channel and the bridges beckoned.  We are in the City Marina and have visited the local Publix supermarket already for provisions.  Top on the list was a bottle of Champagne for when we arrive in Bradenton at last.  Two more days!!!

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