October 8, 2013

Albany on the Hudson!!

We left Amsterdam at 0800 this morning as the workmen arrived to remove the floating docks.  It gave us an opportunity to thank the Amsterdam City Engineer for his hospitality yesterday in giving us keys for the marina while we waited out the weather. The storm passed with exceptional rain but not the tornado style winds that we were warned about:

Very relaxing trip down to Waterford among some very nice "homes" and fall colours.

We planned to stop and tie up for the night in Waterford but they were full.  We continued to Albany and tied up there.  A photo op just before we tied up in Albany:

And tied up....

Tomorrow?  Not sure yet but w e are now in tidal waters so we will head out at high tide to get some help down the Hudson River.  No more locks!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics Dad! :) Is the plan still to spend a few days in New York? Looking forward to a Skype chat soon :) Perhaps this weekend if your wifi conditions allow ;) xoxo


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