October 26, 2013

Bumpy Ride to Solomon, Maryland

We knew the morning winds would increase together with the waves.  The transit into and across the Bay south to Solomon on the Patuxent River was ok.  We ambled under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and watched scores of sail boats coming out of Annapolis to play for the day.

Then around 1pm the winds picked up and NOAA's 2 to 3 feet waves steadily went to 4 feet.  Fortunately they were head on. But it made for a bumpy ride with salt spray covering our flybridge. Three hours later, after hugging the shore line to minimise the effect, we entered Solomon harbour and tied up in Spring Cove Marina.  Jo rushed off to do a delayed groceries run while I washed down the boat and pumped out our waste tank. There's still salt on our flybridge windshield!

The Solomon area is a mecca for Chesapeake boating.  This harbour houses eighteen marinas.

Spooky did not enjoy the trip but has found the sweet spot of least movement on the boat (see previous pic) on the top stair coming up from below.  She enjoyed getting out!

Tomorrow's forecast is not as bad as today but still a bit windy to start.  We are currently about 40% of the way down Chesapeake Bay.  Tomorrow we cover another 72 miles to put us close enough to shoot for Norfolk on Monday.  Our short term goal is to be in Belhaven North Carolina for the day before Halloween so I can go Trick-or-Treating.

1 comment:

  1. What are you going to trick or treat as? :)


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