October 19, 2013

Cape May

We are now in Cape May at Utsch's Marina.  We stayed here when we brought the boat from Florida the first time.  The ride from Atlantic City did not meet with Spooky's approval.  We had a beam sea which made us roll the whole way.  She was pretty green.  She recovers quickly however.  En route we somehow got a sparrow inside the boat!  I herded it out but it diverted Spooky's attention from her seasickness.  The last part of the trip down was very grey and it started to rain.  So we are here for two nights while the winds subside in Delaware Bay.  Pictures tomorrow - it's forecast to be sunny.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Spooky:( pics are great as usual! Is your face fully recovered Dad? Miss you guys! Xoxox


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