October 16, 2013

Green and Grey

We left New York, or, more accurately, Weehawken,  New Jersey,  at 0700.  Cloudy and grey all day but warm.  Seemed ok but as we got further out with the other departing vessels it got a bit rough.

This fellow tracked us all the way down the coast doing 12mph.  There were others coming in to New York.

And our little 42 footer feeling our way out as well.

The forecast was bang on as posted previously but until we got out of the New York shipping lanes it was brutal.  Poor Spooky was sea sick until the moment we got into Manasquan Inlet.  And two of our buddies on Saving Grace succombed to Ralphing as well.

Once on the inside it was benign and smooth.  I missed a turn and ended up in a shallow dead end.  Turned around, we were fine.  We are now at Waretown in a super Marina we stayed in before.  Tomorrow we will stop In Atlantic City so Joe can win his gas money back.  Then Cape May.


  1. Greatly relieved to hear you are there! Stay safe!

  2. Glad to hear you are safe and sound! :) xo


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