August 1, 2016

Day 34 and 35 - Half Moon Bay at Croton on the Hudson

Only 38 miles to run this morning and the Captain's Lounge at Liberty landing has Verizon Fibe TV.  We watched the German Grand Prix before setting out on a grey day. We couldn't time our trip without fighting the tide most of the day.  We passed by Concorde and carrier Intrepid.

..and a Norwegian cruise ship.

It rained on and off most of the day but at least the temperatures have moderated.

The low cloud made for some interesting scenery.

This gorgeous wooden motor yacht passed us heading down river:

The Tappan Zee bridge is being replaced at a cost of some $5B with a new twin span four lane each side highway claimed to be the widest bridge on the planet.

These towers will be the supports for the centre spans.

The bridge is due to complete next year with the old one demolished immediately there after.

And this is where we are for two days. 

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